Course curriculum

    1. 1.1 - How to get the most out of this course

    2. 1.2 - Using your manual

    3. 1.3 - Meditation for getting clarity over your goals and outcomes

    4. 1.4 - 'Crazy 8' cycle of human emotion

    5. 1.5 - Developing your emotional intelligence

    6. 1.6 - SWOT meditation for building awareness of self

    7. 1.7 - The cycle of change

    8. 1.8 - Making decisions from a higher level of mind

    9. 1.9 - Building mental strength on a solid foundation

    10. 1.10 - Looking for insight

    11. 1.11 - How would you know you have changed?

    1. 2.1 - Successfully upgrading your software

    2. 2.2 - Three traits to nurture personal success

    3. 2.3 - Meditation - It's safe to change

    4. 2.4 - The four stages of learning new things

    5. 2.5 - How personal power drives effectiveness

    6. 2.6 - Becoming more emotionally powerful

    7. 2.7 - Meditation for uncovering barriers to personal power

    8. 2.8 - Can (...not should)

    9. 2.9 - We are all doing our best: Practicing care and compassion

    10. 2.10 - Learning to value feedback

    11. 2.6b - Personal power in relationships

    1. 3.1 - The system: Thing's you see and things you don't!

    2. 3.2 - Wait, where's my unconscious mind?

    3. 3.3 - Creating Inner Harmony with your unconscious

    4. 3.4 - Two ways people get out of alignment with their unconscious

    5. 3.5 - All learning is unconscious

    6. 3.6 - Changing habits using the power of the unconscious

    7. 3.7 - Uncovering unconscious beliefs

    8. 3.8 - The Human Experience

    9. 3.9 - So... How is this going to change my life???

    10. 3.10 - What's the big deal that I'm feeling my thinking?

    11. 3.11 - Seeing the formless nature of thought meditation

    12. 3.12 - The layers that determine our results

    1. 4.1 - Values: Your unconscious drivers

    2. 4.2 - What are values and where do they come from?

    3. 4.3 - How to elicit your own values

    4. 4.4 - Values Elicitations Demo - Career Part 1

    5. 4.5 - Values Elicitations Demo - Family Part 1

    6. 4.6 - Are you moving towards or running away?

    7. 4.7 - Understanding the motivation direction for your own values

    8. 4.8 - Values Elicitation Demo - Career Part 2

    9. 4.9 - Values Elicitation Demo - Family Part 2

    10. 4.10 - I've completed my values... what now?

    11. 4.11 - Values Levels

    1. 5.1 - Creating massive change

    2. 5.2 - All experience is created now

    3. 5.3 - A world of difference between getting and uncovering

    4. 5.4 - Forgiveness in change

    1. 6.1 - Introducing the art of letting go

    2. 6.2 - Our past does not define us

    3. 6.3 - How do you represent time?

    4. 6.4 - Peripheral awareness exercise

    5. 6.4 - Test flight explanation

    6. 6.5 - Test flight meditation

    7. 6.6 - Test flight FAQ

    8. 6.7 - Checking in on your unconscious expectations

    9. 6.8 - Going out to the future meditation

    10. 6.9 - Starting to feel your emotions?

    11. 6.10 - What did you find in your future?

About this course

  • £17.49 / month
  • 100 lessons
  • 15.5 hours of video content

Discover your potential, starting today